Colors of the Rainbow
Color Vision
Color Properties / Terminology
Color Luminance
The Color Wheel
Color Space and Gamut
HSL Color Schemer
The color schemer is a tool to generate
a series of colors from a base color according to a specified
scheming method. A scheming method in turn specifies which
color properties will be manipulated and how additional colors
will be calculated. Generally, in color scheming the value of a single
color property is modified to generate additional colors. In contrast,
the color blender considers all properties of a color model to calculate
intermediate colors. Either approach increases your options to
generate a beautiful color set.
To begin color scheming, simply select a scheming
method and then adjust the base color to your individual
liking, or vice versa. Most scheming methods have additional
settings you can adjust and experiment with. Furthermore, you
have the possibility to apply scheming methods on two different
color models: HSL and pHSL. pHSL ("Painter's HSL") is
an adjusted HSL color model which has been developed with the
intention to potentially pick more aesthetically appealing colors.
If you switch to pHSL, please bear in mind that all colors,
including the base color, get converted and the values of the
color picker interface do not correspond to the current base
color you are seeing. If you'd like to check and possibly adjust
values of certain colors, click on the link to the HSL Color
Picker or the Color Converter at the bottom right of the interface.
About the Scheming Methods
Complementary Color Scheme
Calculates the color at the opposite side of the color
wheel (+ 180° hue).
For a "true" complementary color you also need to mirror lightness.
Split Complementary Color Scheme
Calculates two colors which are mirrored at the complementary
color's position with the specified distance in the settings
box. You can set the hue distance to 120° to get a so called
triadic color scheme.
Double Complementary Color Scheme
First calculates a second color shifted by the specified hue
distance. Then calculates the complementary color for both.
You can set the hue distance to 90° to get a so called tetradic
color scheme.
Linear Scheming
Adds/Subtracts the specified value from a color component to
calculate a series of colors. You can use the by saturation, by lightness or
by luminance method to generate a so called monochromatic color scheme.
Usage Tips
Saving your colors:
Click on the permalink by which you'll extend the URL in
your browser's address bar with your current settings.
Then bookmark this page like you do with any other page.
Note that by clicking on the permalink you can also
utilize your browser history as an undo/redo feature.