Great Online Color Tools

There are many good online color tools to explore and experiment with.
All free to use.

Color Picker

Color Blend
Generates in-between color values of two colors (HEX & RGB). This is very useful, if you need an intermediate color in your artwork.

slayeroffice tints and shades 10-palette
Get 5 tints and 5 shades from a base color (HEX -> HSB -> HEX).

4096 Color Wheel
HSB color wheel color picker.

febooti Online color chart
HSB color wheel color picker.

Visibone Color Lab
Old school 216-websafe colors layed out as a color wheel.

HSL Color Picker
Online color picker with HSL color wheel.

Color Schemer

COLOURlovers Copaso
Copaso is a palette generator with a color schemer using a HSB color wheel. Put several colors on the clipboard and then create your final five-color palette which you can save and/or export. Color Scheme Generator 2
The Color Scheme Generator 2 uses a historical painters color wheel for color picking and scheming. The preview feature is awsome and there are a lot of options.

ColorJack: Sphere
The Sphere is a big HSB color wheel which is more comfortable to navigate than small ones. You can switch to RYB color space (historical color wheel) to experiment. The scheming options can be found in a drop down menu.

kuler from Adobe
Flash9 based HSB color schemer and palette generator.

Color Calculator
Flash based HSL color schemer. toolset
Test color combinations, extract (css-)colors from external websites and more ...

RGB sliders color schemer.

HSL Color Schemer
Online color schemer with HSL color wheel. Choose from different scheming options like complementary colors.

Color from an Image pulls colors from images or websites from which you can build a individual color palette. Start with clicking on the "new scheme" button, then click on the "+" rectangle to add a color. Color Palette Generator
Generates a color palette based on an image and divides colors into a dull and a vibrant palette.

Average Photo Color
Calculates the average color of a photo.

BIG HUGE LABS Palette Generator
Extracts colors from an image and shows color names if available.

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